Simple ( free ) Lesson Planner

There are very DETAILED planners ( which I love) …and there are quick, easy one page planners.
As we move into summer our family takes a break from our rigorous school schedule and move into more relaxed days. Summer for us is more about gardens, vacation, MAMA’s rest!, storing up food, and family time.
However…I do keep THREE areas in our rhythm. Those are:
- Reading and writing. The kids still need to read throughout the summer. We choose these books at the beginning of the summer and make reading goals. ( I will provide a free printable for reading goals soon) … And the kids have to write during the summer months. I don’t care what they are writing as long as they are writing. They make newspapers, comic books, handwritten letters, journals, weather reports…etc. Somehow, we write.
- Math. We continue to work with numbers but in a more HANDS-ON way. We build and make things using Geometry. Can and preserve food using math. We use living math all summer long and I make plans for them to build, create, and imagine…using numbers.
- Nature Study. SO MUCH is to be studied outside in the summer! We have these long days to enjoy outside in God’s creation. Take a full week to study trees (or whatever you decide) … so MUCH will be learned. Start a nature journal at the beginning of the summer as a sort of journal. Wouldn’t this be a treasure as our children grow?
I created this simple one page planner for you. Sections are labeled: Reading/Writing= Make your goals here
Math=plan some LIVING MATH projects
Nature Study=What can you learn together outside this year?