ROUTINES for Charlotte Mason Families

The most difficult part of homeschooling isn’t the curriculum, it’s the “managing it all” part. When I first started homeschooling 11 years ago, I had our curriculum perfectly planned out in my neat little planner. I couldn’t wait for our first day. Everything was going excellently until…the laundry started piling up, math papers needed to be graded, and dinner made. AND I was supposed to fit in cleaning. My head was spinning and I wanted to give up this homeschooling thing.
So much has changed since those early days. I added 3 additional babies, moved to a new home, started a mentoring program, and wrote a Charlotte Mason curriculum for the early years.
I finally ( finally!) realized how important your daily routine IS in a homeschool family. Mama, I was sinking! I didn’t grow up in a homeschool family. My parents were both professionals, and I went to school full time. All of a sudden I was home with a bunch of kids and supposed to manage everything. Overwhelmed is an understatement!
Many misconceptions exist about the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling. One of those myths is…it’s an unschooling approach. That is far from the reality of what Miss Mason believed. If you look at a typical day at the Parent’s Union Schools, children had a very scheduled morning with lessons ending by lunch.
Lessons were short but very focused. It’s amazing how much can be accomplished with full attention!
Once I started implementing this very important rhythm in my life, our home was transformed! We suddenly had time for all that had to be accomplished plus restful evenings.
Living the life of a homeschool mom isn’t easy. It takes discipline and work, however, the results will last a lifetime.
A Typical Day In Our Home
I have 6 children. Age ranges are 16 down to 3. I have teenagers, pre-teens, elementary-age children, and a toddler.
I manage a home business and Facebook page that is dedicated to encouraging and helping homeschool mamas. 🥰 I know how it feels to want to homeschool and WANT it all to work out but struggle!

Our day starts with our morning routine consisting of simple chores, a healthy breakfast, and Bible time.
Next, is our “morning time”. This lasts less than an hour and is targeted about us seeing beauty in pictures, literature, and the things God has made.
We take a quick break after morning time. Sometimes we take a walk, other times the children are free to play for 30 minutes.
Our formal school time begins after our break. I pattern our homeschool very closely to the Parent’s Union Schools that Charlotte Mason founded. Lessons are brief but rich!
My goal is to always finish lessons by noon. There are interruptions in my day..always… however, with my routine, I simply go back to where we are supposed to be after the interruptions. (This used to be a killer in my schedule…constant interruptions! I’ve learned how to manage them and have success!)

After lunch, we have quiet time. This practice has saved my sanity! I’m serious. I teach and help homeschool moms establish this discipline in their homes. Daily Rhythms, is a specifically targeted course on getting your time managed so homeschooling is easier!
Afternoons are spent productively. Time in nature, practicing instruments, learning a new handicraft are all part of our “afternoon occupations”.

In rhythms, you will receive a list of 100 activities to do in the afternoon without a screen 😊
The evenings consist of rest. The habit of rest is something I don’t naturally feel inclined to. Before I practiced this discipline, I felt exhausted, and like I was continually spinning my wheels. Rest doesn’t always consist of laying around…instead, rest can mean…resting your mind on a walk.
In all the busyness homeschooling brings, remember, this journey is for you, too. God brings us down these roads to change us! It wasn’t until later ( after a day of endless problems) I realized…God was changing me through the struggle and through the hard times. ( He still is! )
Mama, I’m here for you.
Daily Rhythms of Home is MUCH more than just a course…it’s a community of mamas that are walking the Charlotte Mason Lifestyle.
Includes bonus material and planner to get you started…managing your home!