October 2024 Nature Calendar

Happy October!
There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October.— Nathaniel Hawthorne
Beautiful, October! My favorite cozy month of the year. As I slowly transition our home environment to reflect the season, of darker evenings, cooler air, board games, and candlelight, I’ve pondered the word hospitable. I like this definition: Offering a pleasant or sustaining environment.
Our new October Homemaking Calendar includes a printable calendar to keep your home in basic daily order.
It Includes:
- October Calendar
- Lists that coordinate with each day
- An Autumn cleaning checklist (A seasonal cleaning list)

October Nature Calendar

This month’s calendar includes a suggestion to read a story from the book Outdoor Secrets. This is the link to use for the public domain book.
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