My Favorite Homekeeping Products for Autumn

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This page will include products and services that help me manage my home and homeschool during the autumn season. I will add to this list throughout the years to come. 😊
We’ve begun making candles every autumn for the last three years. I’m not fond of artificial light, but I love the sun’s glow and fire. I enjoyed an evening at a home built in the 1840s at Christmastime a few years ago. The house only used candles throughout the evening; the warm feeling left me imitating the experience in my home during dark winter nights.
Beeswax Candlemaking Supplies
Our Autumn Handcrafts E-book shows you step-by-step how to make hand-dipped candles.

You will also need a double boiler or slow cooker for candle making. I use a double boiler often at home, so this is the one I use for candles.
I have a tall mason jar that is designated for dipping candles. (messy) This jar will be covered in beeswax and stored in a closet for later use.

Teaching children home skills is vitally important. So often we find chore charts, but children need training to move forward and adequately do chores. Home Skills Guide for Children is a progressive guide to teach children to clean specific areas in the home.
What age is this good for? Children as young as two can begin learning to put away toys and put the blanket over their crib/bed to “make the bed.”…however, most of these skills will be appropriate for children five and over. It is hard to pinpoint an exact age, as all children are different. The goal is to begin training young children in these skills. One section may take a full three months to complete. That’s okay. Children will eventually be able to complete these tasks with ease!!!

Autumn Folk Recipes

Household Cottage Scissors
I am very particular about scissors. In a busy, productive home, scissors are used daily.
I use this pair of scissors for crafts, artwork, and everyday home use. They are beautiful as well as practical!

I’m amazed at how often I use twine! Especially during the autumn season. I use baker’s and natural jute twine on my counter almost daily.
Bakers Twine
Herbs, Honey, and Elderberries
To make my favorite Autumnal Tonic and various homemade teas, I purchase specific herbs, honey, and elderberries every autumn.

They are:
- Organic Dried Hyssop
- Dried Organic Elderberries
- Organic Non-GMO Cloves
- Organic Cinnamon Sticks
- Organic Dried Rosehips
- Raw, Unfiltered Honey
- Organic Madagascar Vanilla Beans (To make vanilla extract for holiday baking and cordials) Homemade Vanilla Extract Recipe
- Organic Ashwagandha Powder (I use Ashwagandha in Vegan Moon Milk) ❤
- Organic Turmeric Powder
- Perfect Supplements
- Oils
Avacado oil has a high smoke point, making it perfect for seasoning cast iron pans and keeping them non-stick. I keep a small container of my homemade cast iron conditioner next to the sink to use after my pans are clean and dry.

- Coconut Oil. A multi-use oil! I always have coconut oil in my pantry.
Wide Mouth Mason Jars
We drink from mason jars and use them for all tonics, cordials, and ferments.
I like half-gallon size jars for any tonics/cordials that are shelf-stable. (anything with honey and Vinegar keeps for a long time in a pantry or larder)
Larder: A place where food is stored
Teatime Cookie Stamps
The cookie stamps we sell in Moss Rose or Woodland Flower design are beautiful! Each stamp is a piece of functional pottery.

Books and Inspiration on Home Culture
Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House (highly recommended resource for home management advice.)
Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management: 1861
Mother’s Book of Home Economics: Remembrances, Letters, and Essays from a New England Housewife
Gracious House Keeping: Advice Encouragement and Cleaning Help for the Christian Housewife
The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming
Home Management: Plain and Simple
NEW Simple Living Home Management/Homeschool Planner
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