March Nature Calendar

Ahhh… It’s almost spring! While I celebrate all the seasons, I love moving into longer days and more time outside. We live in the midwest. It hasn’t been too cold this year, but it’s not been warm enough to be outside for an extended time like we are used to.
I enjoyed making our nature calendar this month. The outdoors is moving into a season of “waking up” and I love to be there for it!
Since we began the journey to live more seasonally, each season feels like a new gift.
I have found true joy in the simple things of life.
…Reading books by the fire
…Clean dishes
…Nicely made beds
…Walks in the forest
…Growing our own food
…Meals made from scratch (Our New spring recipes are in the bundle!)
… Morning discussions
... Studying nature together
… Working on new habits
It’s interesting how this walk of homeschooling my children has changed me, and changed my outlook on life.
The “dream” for me no longer includes a fancy house, two incomes, or having more toys than my neighbor.
My “dream” is a quiet life. Living seasonally as a family.
Winter is for rest and planning. Spring is for planting and preparing. Summer is for warmth and growth. Autumn is for harvest and thankfulness.
In this simple life, the small details are the big details. Learning is constantly happening “by the way”.
I’ve found rest in this life. Not just physical rest, but emotional rest, as I find peace in leaving the race of what society tells me is a prize.

The Nature Calendar for March includes the suggestion to read more about George Washington Carver.
NOTE: If you purchase the Slow Simple Spring bundle, the March calendar is already in your dashboard!

Two recommended books:
I included a day to eat a meal outside again, as always, find a nice day and try to eat outside at least once this month.
Enjoy spring!
With love, Jenny