June Nature Calendar

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Welcome, summer!
June is the month of growth. Living in sync with the seasons has given our family such peace as we look forward to what each season and month brings.
“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
In the Northern Hemisphere, we will have Summer Solstice this month and it will officially be summer. We have noticed, we naturally have more energy in the summer when daylight is longer. Our family grows much of our own food so seasonal eating is part of our plan to live in tune with nature.
Our Spring Seasonal Bundle is here
Years ago, I was a totally different mom. Stressed out and overwhelmed. It took a lot of realizations, books, my relationship with God, and self-discipline to bring me to a place of peace.

In the course, Rhythms of Home, I talk more about ordering your day around homemaking and homeschooling. There is currently a $10 OFF coupon for the course. USE CODE: 10OFF

This month’s nature calendar is full of ideas to get outside and enjoy nature.
Summer Nature Study Tips:
- If you live in a place that gets very hot, go outside in the early morning hours. Morning air is so good for everyone.
- Nature journaling is a learned habit. Keep your child’s nature journal in a central location in your home. (along with pencils and supplies)
- Each season, create a nature table in your home that reflects the season. Decorate your nature table with items you find outside. ( I will show you mine this week on Instagram!)
- In the summer all the insects are active. That includes ticks-we always do a tick check after we come inside. Tall rubber boots seem to help tremendously I recommend these and have used them for years:
As I always say…try your best to keep your home life simple. Don’t make your schedule too complicated. With small children, our days revolve around meals, chores, books, outside time, and small errands.
For this month’s Scientist Spotlight, we choose, Edwin Hubble.
Here is my book recommendation for a read-aloud about Edwin Hubble. The Boy Whose Head Was Filled with Stars: A Life of Edwin Hubble
Nature Calendar
Each month I encourage you somewhere in the calendar to eat a meal outside. I believe it’s so good for adults and children to share a meal outdoors. Of course, our scheduled day may not work for your family. The goal is to plan one day to eat outside. Enjoy, June!