July Nature Calendar

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For some reason, July always seems to spin by so quickly. It’s the month of heat, fireworks, celebrations, and long days of sunlight.
We spend our days early in the garden and completing chores before it gets too hot. Since I was little, my mom taught me to finish my very laborious chores before late morning in the summer. I still like to wake up early and clean my house and garden. I love homemaking and creating my own culture in my home.
If you already are in Rhythms of Home, I am working in July on a new module dedicated to helping you create a culture within your home. It doesn’t matter how big or small your home is; every home has an influence on those that live there and the community around you.

Handbook of Nature Study
This month’s nature calendar has a few directions to include readings from Anna Botsford Comstock’s Handbook of Nature Study.
I can’t begin to account for the many times I’ve used the Handbook of Nature Study. My copy is annotated, highlighted, and dog-eared.
Written for teachers who knew little about nature study, Comstock’s lessons speak directly to the teacher and include a “leading thought” for lesson plans.

If you’ve joined me in the effort to live seasonally and have the new summer bundle, the JULY nature calendar is already in your dashboard.
The Summer Living Bundle includes:
- Chore charts
- Cleaning lists
- Nature studies
- Table Manners teatime– 7 weeks of lessons focused on establishing good habits at the table
- Household Binder
This week in our Facebook community, Lauren said:” My daughter actually loves mopping and cleaning the toilets!!  I have noticed her confidence build as her responsibilities have. Your program has been a life changer!”
Get the Summer Bundle HERE
July Nature Calendar

For the scientist this month, we are learning about Albert Einstein.
This is the book recommendation for a read-aloud story about his life: