January 2024 Nature Calendar

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Happy New Year : )
Despite being completely different from any I’ve ever had, we had a busy but delightful Christmas season. In addition to the hustle of Christmas, I ended up in the ER two different days in a row with two different children. Both are fine, but that was memorable.
Other December highlights:
- One of my brothers got married. He literally called me the night before and told me he was doing it; the next day, he was married. Welcome to our family, Viviana!

- One of my daughters had a birthday and turned 7! 🥳
- We had a few weeks of somewhat mild weather. I took the kids on multiple hikes and ran by myself in the mornings. (I despise working out in public gyms because of the creeps)
- The girls and I baked for what seemed like three days straight.
- I finished the reviews I’ve been working on this month and helped a few businesses with branding and audience building. (not currently for hire again until spring)
Here are some pictures from this month:

Winter Bundle
The winter bundle is available for download with new content, lists, and old-fashioned homemaking help!

- Winter-themed chore lists
- Winter meal planning
- Daily cleaning schedule
- Decluttering lists
- Daily rhythm planner
I’m temporarily opening a group for this bundle to help and encourage you to establish new routines this year. The group will open on January 8th, and I will close and archive the group on March 1st. You will need the email address you purchased the bundle with for entry. Purchase here.
The bundle also includes a budgeting planner, meal planner, and nature studies.

Nature Calendar

The January 2024 calendar is up and ready to download. Winter nature study can sometimes be more complicated because the weather is so volatile, but there is beauty to behold in the bareness.
The scientist to read about this month is Thomas Edison.
Videos to correlate with the nature studies: