Charlotte Mason is not just a method, it’s a way of life. This website, Charlotte Mason Mama, was born out of a need. Mamas all over the world are waking up to the CM method but need help balancing home life and homeschooling.
Let’s start from the beginning. I always say that homeschooling is a big picture ideal.
❓Ask yourself, what kind of adult do you want standing before you when he/she is 18?
✅This vision will provide your big picture goal.
For me, I envisioned children that are:
Helpful to their families, successful in whatever they do, leaders in communities, pursuant of self-education, genuinely CARE about everything, love and serve God in their lives, love and serve fellow mankind, ability to attend the college or vocation of their choosing, established good work ethics and habits, developed a life-long love of reading, and had a passion in their lives for whatever they do.
With this vision/goal in mind, I knew HOW to structure their education and our home.
Since we began homeschooling 10 years ago, we have reviewed our goals for each individual child every summer.
My husband and I will sit down with notes and have a meeting about each child. ( We have 6 ).
I believe the vision piece is SO crucial to successful, continued homeschooling.
How Charlotte Mason fits in
Many of the goals I have for my children and similar to many other parents. This is why Charlotte Mason’s methods are used in our home and our homeschool. You see, Charlotte Mason isn’t just for school hours, but for life.
This is easier to explain in a video that I have in a private group I admin. I am posting it here!