April Nature Calendar

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April! You are here!! After such a long winter, I am thankful for the spring rhythm.
I always say my house gets cleaner when spring arrives because my little ones spend so much more time playing outside than they do indoors, it’s true. Since we follow a seasonal rhythm, spring is for planting and preparing. That requires a lot of work outdoors. This is what initially led me to a seasonal homeschool/homestead lifestyle.
I’ve learned ( and embraced) a lifestyle that integrates food, chores, books, writing, livestock care, and a home business by living through the seasons as intended. We have a curriculum coming out to support that lifestyle- I’m so excited- stay tuned! 😊 Get the Spring Collection HERE Available Now
Our April calendar has a few different features. This month our “Scientist Spotlight” is: Marie Curie
She was an amazing female scientist and was the first woman to win the Noble Prize for her pioneering research on radioactivity.
For younger children I recommend this book as a read-aloud: Who Was Marie Curie?
For older children and to look through pictures the book DK Biography: Marie Curie is filled with archival photographs.
April Calendar also includes a 1-page bird log
This month, those in the Northern Hemisphere will be excited to see new birds as they arrive and build nests and sing songs.
This is one of our favorite books for bird-watching:

Learning to live more simple and with the seasons has been a breath of fresh air for me. I no longer feel the stress of the typical American “dream”.
Because for me…
- growing our food in a slow unrushed way
- watching my children learn sometime new
- hanging clothes to dry in the sun
- Collecting eggs from our own hens
- Having time for meals together
- Making our own home culture to learn together…
is priceless!
My first few years of homeschooling were stressful. I’m being honest. Those that have heard my story and how I tried to make our home into a public school… ugh.
It wasn’t until I discovered Charlotte Mason AND seasonal living that I relaxed and understood-
While life isn’t perfect, it is so much more relaxing, and true learning is happening on our little homestead.
Nature and books will be the best tools you have for home education. Nature study has taught my children to truly stop and see… and living books, of course, should be the backbone of your homeschool.
These monthly nature calendars are a way to slowly start embracing a seasonal rhythm for your homeschool and home.

April is full of new ideas and you can download it totally free ( FOR 3 days only) HERE
PS: If you already are in the Spring Bundle– There is no need to download, it is already in your dashboard!