Age Appropriate Chore Lists

One of the hardest “things” I learned when I started homeschooling was: If my home was messy/disorganized/chaotic…homeschool lessons just didn’t happen.
There is a definite link between home management and homeschooling…I’ve lived it! When I started Charlotte Mason Mama…I wanted our place to not only focus on academics ( although we do…) but also on how to live an educational life and thrive in home management.
Guys, there are SO many tips/tricks/videos, etc. about this topic. Can I just say…none of those work without the effort?
I was working on projects this week and washing dishes ( again ) and thought…nothing in life really works unless we put effort into it.
We live in a day and age that is easy. Everything comes to us easily. Food, name it…we can click and get it.
When it comes to home management…we need to start with VISION.
10 years ago…I didn’t have “vision” for what my home could be. I was just living my life and kind of striving for the American dream…or whatever is normal.
When I finally captured the vision of what my home could be…it doesn’t matter how big or small…but your dwelling place….can be dynamic.
It can be a place of education, worship, health, peace, hospitality…and so much more.
I have plans to take so much more about turning your home into that kind of place. A place that nurtures children, marriages, friends…your home can be the place of rest for many.

Help for you..mama…
Time and time again, I see it…and I’ve experienced it.
Moms at home, doing it all! Trying to keep up with every single job. Listen, we can’t. We just can’t. I was listening to a podcast this week on management and something someone said is stuck in my head. This is exactly the quote but it was like ” You can be a mom, wife, home manager, driver, business owner, volunteer… BUT you can’t be them all at the same time.”
How true? And how exhausting is it trying to be all those things?
We must…we have to…train our children to help. It’s really gotta happen. For you to have success in managing your home, training needs to go into your schedule.
I made this list today…this is really just a small portion of what I believe children are capable of:

One thing that so often happens when children are given a chore list is….they are expected to work excellently without the proper tools or training.

My Method of Teaching a New Skill
First: Child watches me complete the chore (make sure the chore is age-appropriate and not dangerous)
Second: Child does chore with me ( this step may take 2-3 times)
Last: I watch my child complete the chore. (gently reminding him/her of mistakes)
Make sure your child is equipped with the correct tools. We use vinegar for cleaning any bacteria. I hardly ever buy any cleaning supplies. I make my own laundry soap…and use vinegar and essential oils to keep our home clean.
When you have socks missing a match or with holes, save them. Put them on your hands and your toddlers to dust! It works well! ( and they love it )
The Key
The key in managing your home is…consistency. Consistency in everything. If you assign a chore, be very diligent about checking it! This is the big step I missed years ago.
I created this worksheet that we use weekly. I actually call them “diligence sheets” See here

In the PDF above. Print them at the beginning of every week. Use these sheets to keep your kids accountable and practicing TWO habits..Attention and Excellence. Those little stars are for YOU to grade your child’s job well done. At the end of a job, sign your name. This special step is your approval.
We reward our children for a job well done. In the home management binder, there are sheets with printable, customizable rewards. I recommend some money rewards and some “relationship-focused” rewards

If you find yourself utterly overwhelmed…look at your commitments. The problem may be that you have overscheduled yourself as I did years ago.
Making time for homeschooling/home management/training children will take a large portion of your day. Right now, those are your commitments.
Have you ever heard the phrase…”Nothing gets dynamic until it gets specific?” I use that motto in our home daily. In order to be dynamic and “ahead,” we have to get specific about our homes.
With Love,💜