Open And Go Pre-Med For Kids

DISCLAIMER: All opinions are my own, and I was compensated for my time. This is my honest opinion.
In our household, I have a son that has wanted to be a doctor since he was 5 years old! When we found out about a new curriculum that is TRULY log-in and “go” specifically for kids that want to be a doctor, we quickly signed up and started diving into the curriculum.
My favorite perks for this online currirculum are:
- The curriculum is written by Dr. Robin Dickinson, a true MD and board-certified family physician.
- The video lessons are styled to “talk to” the student rather than feel like a lecture. This went a long way to keep my son very interested.
- The lessons are in depth, Dr. Robin teaches in a way that appeals to me as a Charlotte Mason home educator. She not only talks about different organs, but also how and why they work.
- I liked the worksheets included in each lesson. My son was easily able to download and print his worksheets.
- Dr. Robin’s website and all lessons are bright and engaging to students, even my younger kids watched the lessons and learned quite a bit!
- Once you have the full classroom access, Dr. Robin gives you links and book suggestions that I never would have imagined even existed. The curriculum gives you full flexibility to either dive deeper into a subject or just work on the lesson and worksheet.
- No prep work for the parents- seriously, this feature is amazing. We were able to just log-in, see what supplies we may need and begin school. Dr. Robin takes the wheel and starts teaching!
- I learned right along with my kids! As I said earlier, Dr. Robin has an excellent teaching style. I found myself engaged in the lessons and learning right along ( major homeschool perk!)
- New lessons are added consistently- Fresh content!

We had a real-life incident where Dr. Robin taught my son something very practical for our family. My husband was diagnosed with painful stomach ulcers, because of what we learned from Dr. Robin, Jonah knew what was wrong with his dad. I was amazed at how much he could explain to his other siblings about his dad’s medical condition.
If Your Kid Wants to Be a Doctor…
As Jonah worked through his lessons, I wanted to see if he still wanted to be a doctor as he has always claimed. Dr. Robin helped him solidify his desire to still be a doctor! I asked Jonah what his favorite part of the videos were he said, ” I really like how easy it is to understand the lessons, and I learn so much.”
Jonah is particularly interested in dermatology. There is a section dedicated just to the study of dermatology. We learned about cuts and bruises and UV damage to the skin.
If your child wants to be a doctor or maybe is even interested in the medical field, I really recommend looking into Dr. Robin’s School of Pre-Medicine.
Dr. Robin’s School has an amazing “supplies” page, dedicated to resources for games, supplies, books, models, and science-related resources. SEE THE SUPPLIES LIST

Dr. Robin has lessons on Homeschool Planet to check out! A lot of options there!.
I personally signed up to be on Dr. Robin’s newsletter and have been excited to get her emails, including neat coloring pages. Sign up here to get access to 8 unit lessons on senses AND extremely valuable science teaching tips!
Dr. Robin is TWO winners a year-long subscription to the digital classroom totally free! GIVING AWAY. It’s worth entering because everyone who does gets free access to 8 popular lessons on the eight senses.